Integrating costs within the institution’s cost structure
When planning the implementation of recommendations and proposals from this Guidebook and other similar publications, stop for a while and consider the activities your institution plans to carry out in the next year and in the next few years ahead. Together with the green team create a proposal for integrating eco-priorities within the planned projects. As far as possible, discuss the implementation of greening policies with all staff members. Together, find a space for pro-environmental activities within the projects. Also use this approach when looking for extra funding. Instead of creating new projects, include ecological transformation within the institution’s programme. Look for alliances and coalitions, share the costs. When you decide to make an investment, consider a number of factors ensuring longevity of the items and services acquired and the widest possible range of potential uses (exceeding the interests of just one institution). (see: ECO-ETHICS OF COOPERATION)
Hard equipment and soft competences
When looking for investment funds consider the balance between hard and soft resources. Photovoltaic panels and reusable water systems are all important projects which would definitely contribute to the ecologically responsible functioning of institutions. However, equally as important as hardware infrastructure investments are soft solutions based on developing staff members’ competences and raising their ecological awareness.
When looking for grants, pay special attention to those funding the exchange of experiences. Observe processes of change in other institutions as well. The Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle and Zamek Cultural Centre in Poznań have been participating in a multi-year networking and educational programme led by the Other Space Foundation. The programme, financed from Erasmus+, is based on networking, exchanging experiences and education with foreign institutions: Finnish Museum Association, City Minded Platform and Climate Museum.
Remember to share your new investments and competences with local networks. Avoid making equipment and knowledge available to just one institution.
How to look for grants?
Follow the competitions from local authority, government and EU programmes. It is worth checking Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, Active Citizens Programme, Program Life, Erasmus+. Take a closer look at Urbact, a programme which supports local institutional leaders and cities in an integrated sustainable development scheme. A few Polish cities have already benefited from it, e.g. Wrocław. As part of this programme, Wrocław City Hall and cultural institutions from Wrocław have been working together to implement ecological transformation in culture. Engage in direct cooperation with particular offices of City Hall, e.g. those responsible for climate policies or EU programmes. Bear in mind that the EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050. Behind this declaration lies the European Green Deal, which provides specific amounts to support this transformation. Follow the news on this topic. You can also consult the guidelines issued by foreign organisations or networks which were established to support social and urban transformation with sustainable development in mind. One such organisation is Julie’s Bicycle which has prepared a review of funds available to cultural institutions and organisations.
As with other areas, some changes may be initiated through individual practices within your team or by creating models of external cooperation. However, the organisation and operation of institutions is determined by the regulations of their respective funding bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to create coalitions within culture, which will jointly push for changes in guidelines for allocating funds and identify ecological priorities. Let us demand that it is the ecological and ethical rationale that should be at the centre of fund-allocation in open competitions, specific grants and any other form of cultural financing.
An example of a climate-oriented network in the area of arts and culture is MAST from Manchester. Cultural institutions joined forces to reach a city-wide zero-emissions target. (see: INSTITUTIONAL POLICY, ECO-ETHICS OF COOPERATION)