Expert advice
Searching for solutions, turn to experts for advice. For example – after consulting with naturalists, take care of the welfare of plants and animals around the building of the institution – sow a wildflower meadow instead of a lawn, place a beehive on the roof or build a composter.
Neighbourly relationships
Take care of relationships with your neighbours – the local community or neighbouring institutions – to change your neighbourhood together.
Commercial cooperation
The green team may offer a lot of recommendations concerning commercial cooperation, e.g. one-off venue hire for events or long-term hire to cafes or restaurants. By including relevant stipulations in your contracts, oblige them to sort waste, serve tap water and carry out other environmentally-friendly activities.
Implementing changes prepared by the green team
Introducing good ecological practices to an institution does not require additional costs and in most cases can be done without negotiations with the management. However, many recommendations concerning the change of the character of partnerships (commercial and non-commercial), pro-environmental stipulations in hire contracts or a particular way of looking after the greenery do require the management’s approval. The more diverse the green team is, the more comprehensive arguments for the introduction of pro-environmental solutions are. Moreover, lobbying carried out by a group of employees in a comprehensive way will be more effective than interventions by individuals.