Step 2: Event production

Foregoing animal and animal-derived products in catering
As pointed out by Greenpeace, for the benefit of humans and the natural world, it is crucial to reduce meat and dairy consumption by half by 2050. Excessive consumption of meat and animal-derived products has serious consequences for the environment. Greenhouse gases emitted by intensive cattle farming equal the emissions of global transport. The need for systemic solutions to this issue is more and more often raised also at the regulatory level.
When working on the ‘Farm to Fork’  strategy concerning the change in food production, the EU was considering a total ban on meat consumption. Eventually, it agreed to choose a strategy recommending turning towards vegetarian and vegan diets. ‘Farm to Fork’ is to be a preface to the so-called Green Deal, according to which Europe is to become neutral to the environment by 2050.
When we look at the practices of cultural institutions and organisations holistically, it is important that the solutions associated with environmentally friendly catering should not be limited to the individual decisions of the event organiser. As cultural institutions, we have a chance to shape social awareness concerning food ecology. Due to its impact on the environment, foregoing animal and animal-derived products in catering should become an element of organisation-wide strategy and be extended to all events, also those carried out by entities which hire space from us. In order to transfer such practices onto the whole institution, it is necessary to include relevant stipulations on foregoing use of animal and animal-derived products (and stipulations regulating using local products, taking care of short supply chain, etc.) in the contracts signed by the institution and public procurement. 

> Read: Deadly for the planet. How factory farming affects the Earth, source: Viva!
> Read about green public procurement > ECO-ETHICS OF COOPERATION

Carbon footprint of events
Collect and record the data concerning the use of energy, water, paper, waste production, catering and transport solutions (business trips of employees, audience commute, deliveries) associated with your event. These details will be helpful in establishing your event’s carbon footprint. To measure environmental impact, you can use a special calculator, some of which are available online for free. For instance, using Carbon Footprint, which is partly available in Polish, you can calculate carbon footprint associated with travel. In order to do this, you need information on the means of transportation, distance covered and the number of passengers. Julie’s Bicycle has designed a special carbon footprint calculator dedicated to the creative industries – Creative Green Tools. It makes it possible to not only assess environmental impact of individual events with their organisational burden, but also compare readings, in order to be able to reduce the negative environmental impact more effectively in the future.

> It is worth encouraging our audience to familiarise themselves with individual carbon footprint calculators available online. In this way, they can discover the carbon footprints of households or of certain lifestyles. Examples of calculators available in English: World Land Trust, Footprint Calculator, WWF footprint. Read more > ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT

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